Silent letters are letters you can not hear when you say the
word and this caused in difficulties in pronunciation and
spelling .
-The letter B is silent in the combination "mb" found at the end
of the word . For example : comb , lamb , limb ,bomb.
-The letter C is silent in "sc" found at the beginning of a word
before "i,e and y". For example : scythe, muscle, scientist.
-The letter D is silent in the following words: sandwich,
-The letter G is silent in "gn" found at the end of a word . For
example : design , campaign, resign .
-The letter H is silent in the combination "rh" found at the
beginning of a word and also in the combination "wh". For
example :rhetoric, rhythm, when , while.
-The letter K is silent in the combination "kn" found at the
beginning of a word .For example : know , knowledge, knee.
-The letter L is often silent before "d, f ,m and k"found at the
beginning of a word . For example : could , behalf , walk,
-The letter P is silent in "ps" and "pn" found at the beginning
of a word . For example : psychologist, pneumatic.
-The letter S is silent in these words : aisle, island,
bourgeois .
-The letter T is silent in words ending in "stle" and "sten". For
example : castle, often .
-The letter W is silent in the combination "who" and "wr" found
at the beginning of a word . For example : who , whose,
-The GH is silent in these words : right, neighbour,high,
-The letter U is silent in these words : guilty, guide, guitar .
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